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about us

what we are about

Unity matters

Jesus prayed that ‘we might be one’ (John 21:17). We believe we need unity for the long-lasting Kingdom transformation of Teesside. Encouraging people to work and collaborate together is at the heart of what we do. A common focus and purpose unifies us. The unity of the church across denominational, racial, generational and geographic lines is the best evidence of God’s love to an unbelieving world. True unity embraces diversity (Relational Unity).


God loves Teesside and calls us to bless it (Jeremiah 29:7). We are not in Teesside by accident we are placed here on mission by Jesus, it is our mission field. The Bible emphasises place from Eden to Egypt, from Israel to Babylon, from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, from Antioch to Iconium, Lystra, Philippi, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus and Rome. It is by no accident that Paul addresses the church of a place (e.g.: the church of Thessalonica) and sees the whole church as key to the transformation of our cities and our towns.

The whole Gospel Matters

The good news of the Kingdom of God is a transformative gospel. Gospel transformation must be spiritual, cultural and social. We need to be intentional about seeking God, sharing God, and collaborating together for the sake of Teesside. We need to be engaging with all areas of society that make up the communities in which we live and work. We are praying for people to become more like Christ, the church to act more like the Body of Christ, and for the wider community to become more of a reflection of the Kingdom of God.

The whole Church Matters

The Church of Jesus Christ across in Teesside is large, wide and varied. Its not just church leaders, its every single person who follows Jesus. TTT seeks to empower, commission, network and release the laity of Jesus' Church. Imagine if Christians in the workplace were commissioned as missionaries in their everyday lives. Imagine if evangelists and intercessors began to network together beyond their local congregation. Imagine the potential of a unified, commissioned and equipped scattered church.

Our Projects (The Beacon)

what we do

Encouraging church unity

We exist to encourage an atmosphere of Church unity in Teesside. We believe strongly that we are ONE church and Jesus has placed us on His mission here in the same land. We want to see the Church in Teesside functioning as a body. Our Serve Teesside project is an amazing expression of Churches that are uniting to serve our land together.

facilitate strategic conversations about the future of teesside

We host bi-monthly Church leaders networking lunches. We aim for these times to be filled with deep times of prayer, relational networking and strategic conversations about Teesside. Movement Day Teesside is a long term conversation between Christian leaders across Teesside about our mission field. 

Provide spaces for church leaders too build friendships

Church unity works best when we know each other and are friends with each other. We provide spaces and meetings for Church leaders to build friendships, develop trust and ultimately become close partners in mission. 

help to network the scattered church of teesside

We are helping to network the wider Church of Teesside. We believe strongly that Jesus Church is scattered out in all sorts of workplaces, streets, homes and schools every single week. If our Church developed effective networks of Christians in these places then we believe we would then see more effective kingdom transformation. 

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